How many times is it acceptable for me to begin a post with stating how anything with the word ‘glow’ in it immediately has my attention? So you can only imagine what an H2Glow Facial does to me… I recently visited Ms. Glam Nail Bar for a special they had been running to basically celebrate and educate clients on the newest addition of unique technology used for an H2glow facial. I really had such a wonderful experience and I wanted to share it.
At this point you may be wondering, what the heck does this actually mean? If you haven’t heard of this before, don’t worry – neither had I! Well, it is a type of facial (that’s pretty obvious) that uses advanced technology to cleanse skin, extract impurities, and hydrate the skin for that ultimate glow. So essentially there are three phases to the facial; the cleansing and extracting, infusion, and hydrating (or rejuvenation).

The machines do look quite intimidating, but they really aren’t anything to worry about! The technology used is called Vortex technology (it sounds rather intimidating too! – but again, it really isn’t) During the facial, different heads are used on a tool that does the cleansing and extracting, etc, depending on what the skin requires. From what I understood when this was explained to me, the machine pushes water back into your skin as it works, via the tool with various heads, and that’s one of the reasons why this method is so unique.

the cleansing/extracting phase:
Robynne, from Ms. Glam who did this facial on me, was so funny and knowledgeable. She answered every question and explained the process amazingly. So in the first phase, an active ingredient like salicylic acid is used in a peeling solution, and this is what cleanses the skin so thoroughly. Salicylic acid (also known as a beta hydroxy acid and is particularly useful in getting right into our pores) makes the skin more flexible in a way that allows blackheads and impurities to be removed more easily, all the while removing dead skin. Two different heads are used in this phase, one for the whole face and then a smaller one for the T-zone.
At first it’s a very strange sensation on the skin. It’s like a combination of sucking and pushing water into the skin all at once, but it’s not at all sore or uncomfortable. Strangely enough it is actually rather relaxing. You definitely have to experience it for yourself to understand!
the infusion phase:
Here is where things become more customisable and interesting. The machine is used in conjunction with various products that are suited to each individual person’s skin’s needs. For example, hyaluronic acid for dry/dehydrated skin, vitamin C and glycolic acid for brightening, and so on. Can you take a guess which ingredients were used on my skin?…
HYALURONIC ACID! OF COURSE! Robynne said she could see that my skin is indeed very dry and so it was no question as to what it needed for some plumping and hydration. The hyaluronic acid was applied, and once again the tool with the different heads (or in short, the vortex technology) was moved around my face, pushing all the goodness into my skin.

the rejuvenation phase:
The last phase of this facial is a mask that is applied and covered with PDT lights. PDT stands for Photo Dynamic Therapy and just means that wavelengths are used to push the product more deeply into the skin, as opposed to just surface level.
Robynne applied the mask to my face and the used a PDT light all around my face, which really allows the ingredients to sink in, resulting in healthy and glowing skin!

By the time this was all over I was feeling so relaxed and pretty much ready for a nap! 😉 But what’s great about this treatment is that you don’t go super red once it’s finished. You just look fresh faced and healthy, which is amazing if you need to go somewhere afterwards or need to go back to work, etc. My face felt like a glowing goddess for a few days afterwards and it was so good to have such luscious skin during the cold winter (a big change to my norm!) My skin really struggles this time of year, so if you are like me in that aspect, you will most probably love this facial too!